Monday, 3 September 2012

Requirements to Apply For Premise License

Premises Licence
In order to run an alcohol premise, where you need to carry out daily selling of alcohol to the public in an authorized manner, an alcohol premise license is required. The owners of the alcohol premises such as pubs, bars, restaurants, and even shopping mall are required to have the premise license to sell alcohol. All the legal formalities and documents required for the application of a license are as follows:

In order to apply for a Premises Licence a person needs to send the following information to the appropriate licensing establishment:

- A duly filled application form along with the plan of expansion on the scale of 1:100 to which the request is related needs to be sent. Also the charge depending upon the premises non-domestic ratable price is required to be sent.

- The request of supply of alcohol must be accompanied with the details regarding the personal license holder whom the premise owner desires to be the ‘Designated Premises Supervisor’ along with the license holder approval form and other relevant document.

The plan should explain
The perimeter of the premise and information on any internal external walls if required; the details regarding the entrances and the exits of the premise, specification of the escape routes, information regarding all the licensed activities being conducted in a premise is required. Also the details regarding the internal structures such as furnishings or entities provisionally in a fixed position which may allow the people to escape the building without any problem; all the information regarding the building structures and its interiors such as existence of any stage, elevators and stairs, rooms and public restrooms, fire and marine safety equipments, a kitchen if any, their exact location and size needs to be specified in the plan.

A legend may also be included along with the other documents to effectively demonstrate the above mentioned criteria’s by using the appropriate symbols.

Displaying the notice on the premises
As the form is submitted to the licensing authority a notice should be put on view in the premises from where it can be easily read from even the outside of the premise. If the area covered by the building is more than 50 square meters, a similar notice should be displayed after the distance of 50 meters along with the circumference of the building. The noticed to be displayed should be printed in black color with font size greater than or equal to 16 on an A4 or a larger sheet of paper.

The notice should mention
The information regarding the licensable activities that is being requested would be done in and from the premises. Postal address and name of the applicant; other relevant details such as website address where the potential clients or parties can make representations in writing is to be stated in the notice. It should also state that intentionally or hastily making or incorrect statement related to the application is a legal offence and heavy fine will be charged to the individual who is found guilty for the offence.

Such a notice should also be made to circulate by the means of a local newspaper within the 10 working days when the Premises Licence application was submitted.

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